Central workshops
Set up at the Martigny site in 2007, the Central Workshops bring together our skills in the servicing of mechanical components. The knowledge we have acquired in the operation of hydroelectric plants qualify us to fulfil our clients’ needs and provide them with tailored solutions.
Specific skills
Our halls
stretching over 3500 m2 accommodate the following qualified services
and equipment:
- a machining workshop for the manufacture of various mechanical components.
- a servicing workshop for mechanical components to guarantee the servicing of mechanical components from production plants.
- a servicing workshop for turbine wheels providing the services needed to maintain and repair the impellers and turbine wheels (Pelton, Francis, Kaplan).
- a non-destructive testing workshop using penetrant testing, magnetic particle testing or ultrasonic testing to assess the mechanical properties of the elements reconditioned or constructed in our Workshops.
- an assembly and transport team capable of reaching the various sites to dismantle, assess or service the components of hydroelectric power stations.
- a laboratory for chemical analyses specialising in the analysis of insulating oils and lubricants.
- a training centre ensuring we train the next generation of polymechanics and automation technicians, and industrial engineers and designers through apprenticeship schemes.
The amalgamation of our workshops enables us to maintain and develop our specialised know-how while benefiting our clients with the resulting synergies.
Click here for a virtual tour of our central workshops.