Serviceability is a quantitative technical analysis based on international norms. It enables owners of hydroelectric developments to estimate the residual life of their installations, any renewal works and maintenance to be undertaken and at what frequency.

This analysis applies in particular to :

  • mechanical parts : pressure pipelines, reinforced pits, valves, turbine and pump wheels, bearings, injectors, etc.
  • civil engineering works : water intakes, sand catching, dams, supply galleries, outlet channels, etc.
  • electrical parts : alternators, exciters, electrical protection, voltage regulators, instrumentation and control systems, transformers


Serviceability is carried out on the basis of constructive data and on the background of the object to be analysed. Particular attention is paid to :

  • the conception of the works and original calculation notes
  • past exploitation, modifications of exploitation conditions and eventual degradation of components
  • future exploitation and demands on development which are likely to ensue

Serviceability gives an evaluation of the structural integrity of the works based on :

  • mechanical promptings
  • the eventual presence of faults, such as cracks, loss of thickness due to corrosion or usage and damage caused by third parties
  • structural properties of materials used in construction

Finally, the evaluation provides a diagnosis for the owner or the operator, indicating the necessary measures to put into operation to ensure the safety and productivity of his set-up. Depending on the individual case, these measures may be the object of a risk analysis to optimize decision-making.

    Specific skills

    HYDRO experts possess specialised knowledge of :

    • the workings of hydroelectric plants, irrespective of their size or power
    • materials, mechanical failure and material fatigue
    • computer tools
    • legislation of serviceability norms in force

    Client benefits

    A hydroelectric development manager is able to control inherent exploitation risks better. He can also :

    • ensure safety and sustainability of his plant while minimising operation investments (targeting investigations)
    • receive useful information necessary for decision-making
    • contact a single interlocutor for the whole work

    HYDRO Exploitation SA
    Rue de l’Industrie 10
    CP 315 - CH-1951 Sion
    Contact us
    HYDRO Exploitation SA
    Rue de l’Industrie 10 CP 750 - CH-1951 Sion +41 (0)27 328 44 11
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